IICA Agreement Signing

In the Caribbean, businesses, academics, state officials and NGOs have by and large accepted the necessity of proliferating ICTs for social and economic development. This truth is also accepted for the continued development of Agricultural sector, and IICA – the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture – has taken a quantum leap toward advancing the Caribbean ICT and Agriculture agenda.

On Tuesday 6th November 2012, IICA engaged in a General Technical Cooperation Agreement with INFOCOMM Technologies (ICT) Ltd. to work together to facilitate the development and use of ICT as a key enabler of agricultural and rural development.

IICA brings to the table, its technical and practical knowledge of the agriculture sector realities, while ICT Ltd contributes vast ICT knowledge, experience and strategy expertise. Together the parties will work toward leveraging ICTs to:

  • increase the productivity and dynamism in agri-value chains
  • strengthen the platform for agri-institution communication and collaboration, and
  • make the sector more attractive to a broader base of stakeholders, particularly youth

Projects to achieve these objectives are already under consideration for implementation in 2013.