Digital NGO

Sector Professional Associations, Alumni Associations and Religious and other types of Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs)

XHUMA provides and alternative for professionals and group administrators who are aware of the power of ICTs and on-line media as a mechanism for networking with colleagues, accessing business insights, and securely sharing messaging and documents with relevant target groups while reducing the cost of operations and administration. In the main, the platform facilitates:

  1. Closed-User Group (CUG) Information Sharing within Industry Groups and NGOs (e.g. within industry boards professional  associations,  business chambers, as well as other types supplier procurement networks or vendor eco-systems)
  2. Linkages and Trading between & across Groups, NGOs, Professionals and Businesses (E.G. sharing of news, opportunities events and documents, across trusted business networks, professionals and industry groups)
  3. Reduction of operational costs and discovery
  4. Expansion of on-line revenue opportunities.

The market currently sees the requirement for Professional Organisations, including Religious and other organisations:

  1. to continually drive greater value to their membership;
  2. to take advantage of new, low cost ways to access a broader base of members and opportunities;
  3. to take advantage of the online channel for business productivity applications/tools, information and business intelligence.

XHUMA allows the members of an NGOs to unlock and exploit the value of being part of a larger group. It works by transforming the group into an interactive network of supportive relationships, making it easier to discover new capabilities within the group, discover new opportunities, promote events, and share documents and information.

Simply put, XHUMA Professional is a cloud-based suite of integrated productivity, business and social media tools all on one user-friendly platform, specifically designed and customised for managing professional groups. The platform supports information and file sharing, fee management, event management and opportunity exchanges across the entire member-base and the enablement of data insights across all institutional and member accounts

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