Community Engagement

As a corporate entity, INFOCOMM Technologies Ltd takes a hands-on approach to our corporate social responsibility. This is expressed particularly through our youth and community engagements.

Training and mentoring youths early in their educational journey provides the best solution to preparing tomorrow’s human resource capital. It is a fact that developing countries which invest in better education, healthcare, and job training for their record number of young people between the ages of 12 and 24 years of age, have a much enhanced opportunity of achieving surging economic growth and sharply reduced poverty.

INFOCOMM Technologies Ltd. has been actively involved in mentoring and training youths using ICTs and general capacity development since its inception. At INFOCOMM we are actively involved in

  • designing and conducting youth ICT training programmes in collaboration with The National Institute of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology (NIHERST),
  • work on the local planning committees of the Youth Forums of the Summit of the Americas and the Commonwealth Head of Government,
  • Working with the EU / CTA on youth agriculture capacity building projects hackathons and investor pitching competitions
  • Working with the Community HUB Corporation – a non-profit organisation registered in Trinidad and Tobago, which was set up to empower youth and communities by leveraging ICTs

Through our work we observe first-hand the remarkable capacity young people have for adopting, developing, adapting and disseminating ICTs and the content created or accessed through its use.

The observation of this innate capacity displayed by youths has informed our own approach of
training and mentoring youths using technology. An approach that is unique and that focuses on developing youth creativity
through content production training and web-skills but more importantly, the use of the technology to express their voice, to learn entrepreneurial skills and instilling a cognisance of their physical and cultural environment.